Mida teha, kui oled kellegi kogemata tapnud?

The punishment for premeditated murder was execution and payment of damages by the murderer’s family. One could absolve oneself of such an accusation only by way of ordeal by hot iron.

Even centuries later, blood feud, which persisted regardless of its prohibition, has been complained about. Blood feud meant that the family of the murdered victim could take the law into their own hands and kill the murderer or the murderer’s relatives.

If the killing was not premeditated, it was possible to buy one’s freedom by paying wergeld (ransom), but the perpetrator would still have to go into exile for a year and a day. In the case of accidental killing or killing in self-defence, the killer had to emerge prior to the victim’s burial or the bringing of charges, and had to swear his innocence under oath before the court together with other esteemed men. In principle, the family of the killed victim had to thereafter accept the wergeld and renounce the blood feud that would otherwise have ensued.

Ettekavatsetud tapmise eest oli karistuseks hukkamine ja mõrvari perekonna poolt kahjutasu maksmine, süüdistusest sai end vabaks vanduda vaid rauaproovi läbi.

Veel sajandeid hiljem on kurdetud ka veritasu üle, mis keeldudest hoolimata visalt püsis. Selle kohaselt võis tapetu perekond mõrvari või tema sugulased ise maha lüüa.

Kui tapmine polnud ette planeeritud, jäi võimalus end lunarahaga vabaks osta, kuid aastaks ja üheks päevaks pidi siiski pagulusse minema. Juhusliku või enesekaitseks tapmise puhul pidi tapja ilmuma välja enne tapetu matmist või süüdistuse esitamist ning vanduma kohtu ees koos teiste väärikate meestega. Põhimõtteliselt pidi tapetu perekond seejärel aktsepteerima lunaraha ning loobuma veritasust.